Here are a few examples of fundraising letters that have worked successfully. These would work for sponsorship requests, support letters or when you’re looking to raise support for a specific mission trip or outreach. Feel free to use and customize as needed.

Example #1

Dear Friend,

Last summer, Bob and I went to Alaska. The year before, the Caribbean. This summer, (location), (country) wasn’t necessarily next up on our “bucket list” but Bob and I decided that we wanted to make our summer vacation about more than just a good time. We wanted to use our talents and energies to serve others and make a difference.

Through (organization), we will be joining a team on a two week mission trip to (country). (Organization) is simply amazing! They provide food, clothes, education, surgeries, medical services and love to refugee and orphaned children. (Organization) runs the (name), a school and home for orphans. They run medical clinics throughout the (location) area. They do all this in a Christ-centered environment, serving the children’s physical and spiritual needs.

As a friend, we invite you to be part of our trip by supporting us through your thoughts and prayers. We are praying for a smooth trip, safety for the team and good health during our travels. We pray that our efforts will continue to build upon what (organization) has already started and have a lasting impact on the children of (country). And we’ll find comfort during our trip knowing that you are all supporting us from home!

If you feel moved to support our cause financially, thank you! In addition to our own trips, we are helping to raise funds so that students in the college ministry I help lead at our church can also join us on our mission. Flights to the other side of the world are costly and we want to be sure that all those from our church with a heart for this ministry are funded and able to dedicate their summer to the children of (country). Checks can be made out to (organization), (a 501(c)3 non-profit. Or you can click on the following link and make a donation on our page using your credit or debit card. It’s very easy.

Please let us know if you have any questions! We will be very blessed if you choose to  be part of this amazing opportunity! And we know you will be, too. 

Thank you and God bless!

Example #2

Dear Friends and Family,

I am writing this letter with much excitement for what God is doing in our lives and the lives of others! He is so faithful and powerful; I am in awe of Him. This summer I will be traveling with a group to (location), to serve on a short-term mission team with (organization). The purpose of this trip is to share the love of Jesus Christ through our words and deeds. Specifically, my time will be spent:

Participating in medical and de-worming clinics in the slums, orphanages and rural villages.

Visiting and ministering to the refugee children of (name) school.
Caring for the children of (orphanage).
Praying with and for sick children and their families in the largest hospital in (area).
Loving and caring for the elderly in the only Elderly Home in (area).
Singing, dancing, and loving on former teenage prostitutes in a recovery home.
Interacting with children who have cancer in a “Ronald McDonald” type home in (city).
Speaking into the lives of men and women at the Teen Challenge Drug Rehabilitation Home.

The mission trip dates are (dates). The first and most important thing I am asking for is your prayers, as everything about this trip is in God’s capable hands. I am also asking for financial support if, and only if, God lays it on your heart to support  in this way. I am SO grateful for the donations I have already received which will cover my airline ticket and some of my ground costs. It is necessary that I raise the remaining (amount) by June 1st. If I am unable to raise this amount by the deadline, the donations I did receive will be held by (organization) for up to one year for future mission trips. Or your donation is refundable to you, if you would prefer. Either way is good. 

I have no doubt this experience will be life-changing and I am excited to share it with you. Above all, I pray that every lonely, elderly person, every sick and dying child, every struggling addict, and every exploited and ashamed teenager that we meet, could KNOW the hope and joy and peace that is THEIRS through salvation in Jesus Christ. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.

In His name,


(Sample response card, if asking for checks – or include link if sending via email and are using a profile on

Please fill out the information below and return it to me in the enclosed, pre-addressed/stamped envelope. All donations within the United States will be tax deductible when checks are made out to (organization).
I am able to support you financially with the enclosed donation of $(amount).
I will also lift you up in prayer as you prepare and travel on your mission trip
I am unable to financially support you at this time but I will pray for your ministry.



Example #3

Dear Family and Friends,

I’m so excited to tell you about my return to (location) this summer, (dates). As in the past, I will be joining with others as we serve together with (organization) (organization website).

This will actually be my sixth trip and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to be going back! Each summer has been filled with such incredible blessings and it’s so rewarding to see how the Lord continues to work. It’s with these thoughts that I prayerfully desire to return.

How can you help?
First and foremost, I ask you to please pray for me. Pray for God’s will and His direction for my team as we are preparing to go. Pray for hearts to be open to receive and for guidance and direction as we serve. I also ask for continued prayer
while we are in (location). I am responsible for raising my support in the amount of (amount). So many of you have graciously and generously contributed in the past and it would be a great blessing if you felt led by the Lord to contribute again. I have enclosed a response card and stamped envelope.

I thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support. I pray God’s blessings upon you and thank you for considering partnering with me this summer. 


Does your church or organization need help organizing mission trips? Check out our helpful mission management software on Our easy to use software will help you manage all the details for your short-term mission trips and team members online. Easy online fundraising pages are included. Try it free for 30 days. Learn more here.