One of the most important steps in planning a short-term missions trip is building the budget. On large teams, a few errors or simple oversights can cost you thousands of dollars.

Apart from the highly visible expenses like tickets, taxis, hotels and food, there are dozens of items that are too easy to overlook until it’s too late.

Click here to download a detailed mission trip budget worksheet you can use to help build your team’s budget.

Mission Trip Budget Worksheet (Excel Spreadsheet)

Be sure and give your budget a generous cushion. There will always be unexpected expenses, – equipment repairs, travel delays, etc. Your goal is not to get the budget as low as possible. Also, ask yourself the following questions when building your budget:

  1. Do members need to help cover the costs of one or more team leaders?
  2. How much administrative expense will result from running a trip through your church or organization?
  3. Are we raising enough funds to cover training, project supplies and materials?
  4. Do we want to leave a gift for our hosts?

Finally, find someone else who’s been on a similar trip and ask them to look over your budget. Another set of eyes will often spot something you’ve missed.
