One thing almost everyone learns on their first mission trip is that stereotypes run both ways. When we travel overseas, people are looking at us much the same way we look at a foreigner in our midst and try to figure out where they are from.

There are several things you can do that scream, “Hey, I’m an American!” louder than you may want to. Here are 5 simple tips to help you blend in a little bit better:

  1. Don’t wear tennis shoes everywhere. In most developed countries, tennis shoes are worn for sporting activities, not everyday street attire. The same thing goes for crocs and clogs (unless you are working on a farm).
  2. Don’t be so loud in public. Americans love to cut-up with their friends. A group acting loud and boisterous screams, “Hey, look at us! We’re from the USA” quicker than you would ever imagine.
  3. Don’t try to hug everyone you meet. In most countries, this is just not the norm, even among familiar acquaintances.
  4. Don’t dress too informal. In most countries, if people have the means, they dress nicer than we do in America. Don’t dress like it’s your vacation. Shorts and t-shirts may have their place, but typically not out in public.
  5. Don’t complain about the food or service. Americans are very used to getting our way and speaking up when something is not just right. When overseas, it is better to consider yourself a guest and keep your comments to yourself.

Even with these tips, its quite unlikely anyone will ever mistake you for a local, but they will appreciate your efforts to be a considerate guest.